Four States Small Business Blog

How to Use Radio to Effectively Boost Your Digital Marketing ROI

Posted by Mark Zimmer on January 6, 2017 at 8:30 AM
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iStock-483507893.jpgDigital marketing is a valuable tool for businesses of all types and sizes. That’s because the internet plays a crucial role in how people make their purchasing decisions. In fact, 81 percent of consumers today conduct online research before buying a product or service.

The challenge for businesses is not whether or not to engage in digital marketing, but how to get the most bang for their buck and maximize the impact. One of the most effective approaches to this is taking an omnichannel marketing approach, by integrating digital with other media like radio and TV.

Radio ads boost digital marketing ROI in many ways. Below are some of the best tactics to boost digital marketing ROI with radio, and how to implement them.

Radio & Digital: Greater than the Sum of Two Parts

It’s important to remember that radio and digital have a special synergy that can have a “multiplier effect” when used in combination. Specific to radio, for instance, consumers will often respond to a radio ad by going to the company’s website to investigate the company, topic, or product further. In fact, per Jupiter Research, two-thirds of online searches are driven by offline advertising media like radio. A recent study by iHeartMedia found that businesses experienced a $6 sales life for every $1 spent on radio advertising. In one case, a snack food brand generated $10.8 million in sales with just $1.5 million in radio ad spend. That’s because when businesses have an integrated approach to radio and digital, it makes the buyer journey much more seamless.

Benefits of Radio & Digital

Radio is one of the only channels that consumers can take in at specific times, during specific tasks. People will listen to their favorite talk show during their morning drive, or their regular country music station as they’re getting through their workday, and this might be the only thing competing for their attention because the task (driving, working, etc.) keeps them from other competing media such as their cell phone or a TV. A business can target its advertising to specific demographics during certain times of the day, with tailored messaging.

You can then tie in your radio messaging with online advertising, which can provide a great resource to follow-up your radio messaging. If your ad encourages people to connect with you on social media, for example, you can then remarket to them via social channels in the future.

Tactics for Boosting Digital ROI with Radio

Using radio to get more bang for your digital marketing buck doesn’t have to be complicated. Here are some concepts you can apply, based on time-tested marketing and advertising principles.

  • Consistency. The branding, tone, voice, and messaging across both digital and radio should be consistent. By using the same slogans and copywriting, for instance, consumers won’t be confused when they go from radio to digital and vice versa.
  • Complimentary. Your radio and digital advertising should complement each other and work toward the same goal. If you need to generate more leads, for example, both radio and digital should encourage people to sign up for a newsletter or give you their contact info so you can get them into the sales funnel.
  • Simultaneously. By launching, and running, digital and radio campaigns at the same time, you’ll be able to gain much more of an ROI boost. Your message will be reinforced on multiple channels, and you’ll be able to capitalize on reaching people both on-air and online.
  • Connectivity. Consumers are constantly connected in today’s world, so don’t forget to refer to your digital marketing channels and campaigns in your radio ads. Give them multiple ways to engage with your brand and learn more, like visiting your website, connecting on social media, or subscribing to your blog.

Despite much of the hype around digital, there’s a special connection that people feel with their favorite radio stations, programs and hosts. That’s why integrating radio is a unique, and highly effective, way to boost digital marketing ROI for your business.

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Topics: Radio Advertising, Marketing ROI, Digital Marketing