Four States Small Business Blog

8 Questions to Determine if Your Roofing Company's Brand Messaging is Working for or Against You

Posted by Mark Zimmer on April 10, 2017 at 8:30 AM
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roofing-company-marketing.jpgEffective brand messaging is important for any business, but for roofing companies, in particular, how you market your company includes addressing some unique characteristics of your business. For example, if your company is involved primarily in construction projects, your branding efforts will be different than if your company focuses mostly on residential roofing. We’ve put together a list of 8 questions to help you determine if your roofing company’s brand messaging is working for you or against you.

1. Does your final product match your brand messaging?

As an example, if part of your messaging includes quick response in case of emergency, then it’s critical to deliver on that promise.

2. Are you seeing new business from your efforts?

Tracking and analyzing your marketing campaigns will allow you to understand where new business is coming from. An easy way to do that is through coupons or special discounts associated with particular ads.

3. Do people recognize your company in the community?

An important part of building your brand is through recognition in your market. Add signs to company vehicles and place yard signs in front of houses you’re working on to help build brand awareness.

4. Are you getting referrals?

Again, this is something you won’t know unless you make an effort to track it. By simply asking how a new customer heard about your company, you can understand whether you’re getting referrals based on your previous work or whether your branding efforts are pulling in new customers.

5. Do your online reviews reflect your messaging?

Online reviews are becoming increasingly important for consumers. Monitor your reviews to understand your customers’  perspectives and to ensure that the reviews you’re seeing reflect your brand messaging. One example could be if customers are commenting on the professionalism and friendliness of your employees. That’s the kind of thing you may want to include in your brand messaging.

6. Does your messaging highlight your company’s unique characteristics?

An important part of your branding involves distinguishing yourself from your competitors and should include things that your company does differently. If you specialize in residential roofing, your branding should reflect that. In addition, be sure to let customers know about your company’s experience in the industry, as well as in the market you serve.

7. Does your messaging cater to your target audience?

If your primary market is the construction segment, your branding focus should involve networking and building relationships. On the other hand, marketing to residential customers requires a different approach not only in messaging but in timing and frequency.

8. Are your employees advocates when they are “off the clock”?

One of the best ways to build your brand is by having loyal employees who talk in positive ways about your company even on their own time. Encourage employees to support your brand by keeping them in the loop and helping them to become brand ambassadors.

Effective roofing company marketing should include all of these points. If, in considering these questions, you recognize that your branding efforts are not in alignment with these objectives, your messaging could actually be working against you. Taking the time to understand what’s working — and what’s not — is well worth the effort.

Topics: Small Business Resources, Marketing Strategy, Joplin Market, Home Improvement