We could share countless stats around the power of radio — 93% of American adults reached weekly, $17 payback per $1 spent on radio by department stores, two-thirds of time spent listening happens outside the home… But we know stories are more powerful than numbers, and we love shining a light on the success of local businesses.
See how we helped the following brands grab attention, establish their position, and bring in dependable ROI with radio advertising.
Helping GalaxSea Cruises & Tours “Plant the Seed” for Future Business
With listeners tuning in throughout the day, often close to the point of purchase while they’re in their cars and on the go, radio can drive both immediate and long-term results. As GalaxSea Cruises & Tours Owner, Ken Mayer, puts it, “Sometimes our reaction time needs to be quick, and other times it’s more about planting the seed for future business, and radio works well for both. If you’re looking to help grow your business and reach new customers, you need to explore the image creation that the radio can bring.”
Getting the Word Out for Watered Gardens Rescue Mission
Radio has proven to be an essential tool to spread awareness, for large and small businesses and nonprofits alike. When you have a message you need people to hear, radio offers an engaged audience that stays tuned for more than the music. In fact, radio retains 93% of its lead-in audiences throughout commercial breaks. James Whitford, Executive Director of the Watered Gardens Rescue Mission, partnered with Zimmer to air 40+ PSAs that increased community interest in public service. In his words, “On hundreds of occasions, 180,000 listeners have been impacted as they hear the importance of coupling compassion with common sense solutions that can really help the poor.”
Delivering a Measurable Impact on Sales for Allied Restaurant Supply
For many businesses, there’s no stronger indication of success than increased sales. For Allied Restaurant Supply, radio advertising helped get the word out about their location and variety of products, seasonal deals, and customer appreciation events. Dale Stroud, Sales Manager at Allied Restaurant Supply, remarks, “In my first year or two, I’d say I had almost a 20% increase [in sales] from advertising on the radio… I’ve been advertising now with Zimmer for over ten years, and I’ve seen it increase sales throughout the years and it just continually works all the time.”
Providing a Place to Brand Henkle’s Ace Hardware
Chances are you’re not the only business in the Four States Area that offers your products or services. Your branding is what makes a difference, sticks with people, and keeps them coming back — and radio can help. John Henkle, Owner of Henkle’s Ace Hardware understands this, sharing that, “[Radio] gives us a place to brand our store. We’re constantly talking about our level of service, not just what we offer, because there are a lot of places to buy a lot of the things we sell in town. With our radio spots, people know, ‘Henkle’s will help me.’ You know your radio advertising is working when people come in and tell you about it.”
For a closer look at the power of radio and how these businesses put it to work for their bottom line, click here or on the button below to download our latest eBook.