Four States Small Business Blog

What is Integrated Marketing?

Posted by Jeannette Royle on June 28, 2022 at 7:00 AM

Integrated marketing

Integrated marketing involves taking your branding message to your target audience through diverse channels. It's all about presenting a unified message that's easy for people to identify with your company. Unfortunately, it's easy to undermine your brand with inconsistent marketing in different channels. This week will discuss how to keep your branding in order with integrated marketing. 

What Are the Marketing Channels?

It's easiest to categorize marketing channels into two main categories: digital and traditional marketing. And, beyond these, we can descend to more specific groups. But for now, let's look at a simple list of common marketing channels and their classification as digital or traditional. 

Traditional Marketing Channels

  • Radio
  • TV
  • Print
  • Direct Mail

Digital Marketing Channels

  • Business website
  • Paid search 
  • Banner Ads
  • Social media 
  • Blogging
  • Email
  • Over-the-Top (OTT)
As you can see, the digital marketing channels are more plentiful than traditional options. And our list is by no means exhaustive. But it's best not to get over-excited by the number of options digital marketing offers. Remember that traditional and digital channels offer advantages that benefit your integrated marketing plan. 
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How Integrated Marketing Builds Your Brand

The essence of integrated marketing is distributing your well-crafted brand message through marketing channels that mutually support each other. As individuals in your target audience move throughout their day, they should encounter your marketing efforts in different media. The key is to ensure your brand message gets through regardless of the format you're using. 

Imagine your mowing business is running OTT ads on Hulu. Your messaging emphasizes that your company offers 'advanced, scientifically formulated turf care for every yard.' If you then run radio ads that inform your potential customers, 'you are the 45-minute lawn care specialists of the four states,' your marketing channels are not reinforcing the other's message. The result will likely be that your customers will remember neither marketing point and ultimately not remember your business at all. 

Instead, the integrated marketing approach would have chosen one brand message and distributed it through various digital and traditional channels. The scripts and copy can all vary according to the constraints of each marketing channel but will always reinforce the root brand messaging point.

Integrated Marketing with the BrandsFormation System

We've established that any integrated marketing plan must have a unified message. The marketing system we use here at Zimmer Marketing helps you find your company's branding message. BrandsFormation helps small businesses identify the distinguishing characteristics of their company and build lasting brand identities based on that difference. 

BrandsFormation also helps small business owners make sense of the bewildering array of marketing channels available. Taking your first steps in integrated marketing is all about knowing how to allocate a limited budget toward marketing channels that will reinforce each other and deliver a high ROI.


Topics: Integrated Marketing, Radio Advertising, BrandsFormation, Digital Marketing, Branding