Four States Small Business Blog

Jeannette Royle

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5 Keys to Marketing Your Business in the Off-Season

Posted by Jeannette Royle on June 18, 2024 at 7:00 AM
As a business owner, you know that every season comes with its own set of challenges and opportunities. Some small businesses have more seasonal exposure than others, such as retailers in the holiday season or landscapers in the spring. While the off-season might seem like a time to scale back and wait for the busy months to return, it's actually the perfect time to focus on marketing strategies that can set you up for success year-round. This week, we'll take a look at some ways you can market your business in the off-season.

1. Leverage Content Marketing

Content is king, and the off-season is a prime opportunity to build a robust content library. Content marketing strategies take time but continue to pay dividends for much longer than instant methods like pay-per-click advertising, which may appear more attractive at first. You should develop blog posts, how-to guides, videos, and infographics that provide value to your audience. Focus on topics that address common questions or pain points in your industry. By consistently producing high-quality content, you can improve your SEO, attract more organic traffic, and establish your business as an authority in your field.

2. Engage with Your Community

Building strong community relationships can pay off significantly, especially during the off-season. Sponsor local events, participate in community service, or host workshops and meet-and-greets. This not only keeps your brand top-of-mind but also strengthens your reputation as a local business that cares.

3. Encourage Your Customers to Review Your Business

Your business needs high-quality positive reviews to flourish. During the off-season consider running some promotions that are contingent on customers reviewing you on one of your socials, such as your Google Business Listing. This method will not only help improve your social proof for when the next major business season arrives, but it will help keep up business while your in a slow time. 

4. Invest in Training and Development

The off-season is the perfect time to invest in your team. Provide training sessions, workshops, and development opportunities that can enhance their skills and improve your overall business operations. Well-trained employees are more efficient, provide better customer service, and can contribute to innovative marketing ideas. Ensure that your team is aware of the overall marketing strategy for your company so they can work to reinforce your business-wide initiatives.

5. Refine Your Marketing Strategy

Use the off-season to analyze and refine your marketing strategy. Review your past campaigns, identify what worked and what didn't, and adjust your plans accordingly. Subject your organization to a   SWOT analysis to discover your vulnerabilities and opportunities. This is also a good time to explore new marketing channels or tactics that you haven't tried before.

Plan Your Marketing Strategy with the Experts at Zimmer Marketing

Marketing is an ever-changing endeavor that can't be challenging to navigate when you have the everyday task of running a business to oversee. At Zimmer Marketing, we can be your all-in-one marketing team to grow your brand and promote your business in the most effective ways possible. 

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Topics: Marketing Strategy

5 Marketing Essentials for New Businesses

Posted by Jeannette Royle on April 16, 2024 at 7:19 AM
In the dynamic and competitive business landscape, effective marketing is often the differentiator between success and obscurity. Following last week's discussion of   why businesses should be spending between 3-15% of revenue on marketing, we will examine the core necessities you should spend your budget on as a new business. For companies just starting out, establishing a solid marketing foundation is crucial for attracting customers and building a sustainable brand presence. Here are five marketing essentials that every new business should prioritize.

1. Concise Statement of Value Proposition

In a market flooded with options, standing out is essential. Your business must clearly articulate its unique value proposition—the " difference maker" that sets you apart from competitors. This concise statement should communicate what makes your product or service special and why customers should choose you over others. Whether it's superior quality, unmatched customer service, or innovative solutions, your competitive advantage should be the focal point of your marketing efforts.

2. Brand Logo

A logo is the visual representation of your brand and often serves as the first point of contact between your business and potential customers. It should be memorable, versatile, and reflective of your brand's values and personality. Whether you opt for a sleek wordmark, an abstract symbol, or a combination of both, invest in a professionally designed logo that effectively communicates your brand identity. Your logo will appear on everything from business cards to advertisements, so it's worth getting it right from the start.

3. Consistent Design Basics – Brand Colors & Fonts

Consistency is key when it comes to branding. Once you've created your logo, establish a cohesive visual identity with consistent brand colors, fonts, and design elements to help create brand recognition and foster trust with your audience. Choose colors and fonts that reflect your brand's personality and resonate with your target demographic. Whether it is a healthcare brand's calming blues or a youth-oriented company's vibrant hues, ensure that your visual identity remains consistent across all marketing materials, from your website to your social media posts.

4. Business Website

A website is more than just a digital storefront—it's often the first interaction customers have with your brand. Your website should be visually appealing, user-friendly, and informative. It should clearly communicate what your business offers, provide easy navigation, and offer a seamless experience across all devices. Invest in professional web design and optimize your site for speed, mobile responsiveness, and search engine visibility to ensure maximum reach and engagement.

5. Organic SEO

Search engine optimization (SEO) is essential for improving your website's visibility and driving organic traffic. By optimizing your website content, including keywords relevant to your industry and target audience, you can improve your search engine rankings and attract qualified leads. Invest in keyword research, on-page optimization, and quality content creation to increase your chances of appearing at the top of search engine results pages (SERPs). Additionally, leverage local SEO tactics to target customers in your area and capitalize on location-based searches.

Next Week

If you've already taken the steps above, you may be wondering what's next in your business's marketing journey. In our next blog, we will look at five marketing next steps to build on the framework we've created here. Following these steps is the fastest way to get results out of your marketing budget and maximize brand recognition!

Start Advertising with Zimmer Marketing

If you need expert guidance in preparing a marketing plan and setting a budget, Zimmer Marketing would love to partner with you! We have helped hundreds of businesses across the Four States conduct successful marketing with custom web design, radio, and digital campaigns!

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Topics: Marketing Strategy, Marketing ROI, Branding

Introducing the New Erickson & Co. Mercantile Website!

Posted by Jeannette Royle on November 28, 2023 at 7:00 AM
Zimmer Marketing is pleased to announce the launch of a new state-of-the-art website for a wonderful local business –   Erickson & Co. Mercantile! Over the fall season, our web team worked closely with the Erickson & Co. Mercantile to create the perfect website to promote their excellent artisan products in time for the holiday season! 

This website was part of a Zimmer Marketing giveaway package that Erickson & Co. Mercantile won by garnering many votes from the Four States community! The over $15,000 giveaway package included an advanced website, logo creation, professional photography, video production, and free radio for a year on KISSIN 92.5!
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Topics: Website Design

Business Website Essentials: 4 Must-Have Features for 2024

Posted by Jeannette Royle on October 10, 2023 at 7:49 AM
Continuing our series on business website essentials, this week we'll look to 2024 and some in-demand features that you should consider including in your web design. It's important to remember that your website is not a static, one-and-done business asset but should be growing and adapting to show your company in the best possible light! Let's look at four website features to have in 2024!

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Topics: Website Design

What's the Difference Between Marketing Strategy and Tactics?

Posted by Jeannette Royle on July 25, 2023 at 7:00 AM
Marketing is pivotal to driving success and growth in the constantly changing business environment. When done well, it is a powerful engine that can propel your brand forward, enabling you to reach your target audiences and achieve your goals. However, within marketing, two essential components often need clarification: strategy and tactics. While these terms are used interchangeably, they represent distinct elements of the marketing process. In this blog, we will explore marketing strategy and tactics and how they relate, shedding light on how they are different yet work together.  

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Topics: Marketing Strategy, Digital Marketing, Advertising, Branding

Time to Rebrand? | 4 Branding Pitfalls to Avoid

Posted by Jeannette Royle on July 18, 2023 at 7:00 AM
Branding is one of the most powerful components of a growing business. But merely having a brand does not automatically guarantee success. Sometimes, a business's brand identity can even hold them back. In this blog, we'll investigate common branding pitfalls that signal when it's time to rebrand your business.

Four Common Branding Pitfalls

Most branding problems fall into a few basic categories; some are easier to fix than others. The solutions can range from minor changes to a complete rebranding process. 

1. Branding Message Sends Mixed Signals

Often companies' branding messages try to do too much at a time. Instead of a concise message reinforcing the biggest advantage of the business, the company attempts to enumerate all the ways the company is great. This can overwhelm an audience, be confusing, and may appear disingenuous. After all, it's unlikely that a company can simultaneously have the most advanced services, lowest prices, best customer service, and fastest completion times. Even if a company so outmatches its direct competition that all these are true, it's still best to identify the biggest priority for your potential customers and hone your branding message around that advantage.

2. Brand Does Not Resonate with Intended Audience

Sometimes businesses misidentify their potential customers' major priorities, which leads to a branding message that doesn't resonate. For instance, a kitchen remodeling business finds that they excel in a couple of ways: building code compliance and partnership with a popular kitchen designer. While building code compliance is essential to good business and customer satisfaction, making their main branding message around it may not address the top priorities of your audience. Instead, the company should craft its main message around award-winning kitchen designs. There is plenty of time to address training, certifications, and code compliance in marketing materials, but it shouldn't be the main branding focus.

3. Brand Does Not Align with Business Goals

Good marketing practice is dividing your potential customer base into multiple audiences. There are times when each audience will have the same priorities, in which case a company's branding message can equally resonate with all audiences. In other cases, each set of potential customers' preferences differ. In these circumstances, crafting a primary branding message that speaks to the most important audience for the business's goals is essential. Typically, this will be the largest audience, the one the company is best equipped to serve, or the one that offers the highest marketing return on investment. A business that fails to speak to its most important audiences will waste marketing money and stunt its growth.

4. Branding Is Overly Complicated

The final common branding pitfall is crafting an overly complicated message. A business can identify its most important competitive advantage to its audience but fail to make a connection with its potential customers. In these cases, the disconnect often comes down to phrasing. For example, the business' branding message may use jargon or acronyms that are not generally understood by the audience. Companies in this situation do not necessarily need to start from the beginning. It may be enough to explore better ways of communicating the brand message.

Does Your Business Fall Into One of These Branding Pitfalls?

Each of the brand messaging problems is a common occurrence. If it's time for your business to chart a new course for branding, or you need some help honing your branding into a more concise and resonant message, we are ready to help your business achieve those goals. Your company's potential is waiting to be tapped into, and we look forward to helping you on your journey. If you're ready to talk with a Zimmer Marketing branding consultant, please get in touch with us today!

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Topics: Branding

Why Local Marketing with Radio Works

Posted by Jeannette Royle on June 6, 2023 at 7:00 AM
In today's fast-paced digital era, businesses constantly explore various marketing channels to connect with their target audience. While the rise of social media and online advertising has been significant, a timeless medium continues to hold its ground: radio. Utilized by businesses of all sizes, radio has proven especially beneficial for smaller, more local companies. In this blog, we'll examine why radio is an effective and valuable medium for businesses aiming to connect with their local audience.

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Topics: Radio Advertising

Why Storytelling Is So Powerful in Marketing

Posted by Jeannette Royle on May 16, 2023 at 7:00 AM
In today's fast-paced digital world, businesses constantly search for ways to connect with their target audience and stand out. One powerful way to achieve this is through storytelling. Storytelling has been a fundamental part of human communication since the dawn of time. It is an incredibly effective way to convey a message, create emotional connections, and inspire action. For these reasons, it's also one of the central tenants of the marketing system we recommend here at Zimmer Marketing:   Brandsformation. In this blog, we will explore why storytelling is so important in marketing and how it can be used to help businesses succeed.

Storytelling Builds Relationships

Storytelling helps you to create a personal connection with your audience. By sharing stories about your brand, your team, or your customers, you can help your audience to understand who you are, what you stand for, and why they should choose you over your competitors. When you tell a story, you invite your audience to become part of your narrative, see things from your perspective, and empathize with your experiences. This can be a powerful way to build trust and credibility and create an emotional bond with your audience.

Storytelling Answers "Why?"

As humans, we understand our lives in terms of progression and presume that things happen because of the forces of cause and effect. We think in terms of narrative. As a business owner, your marketing success depends on your ability to position your brand in terms of a story. And your story must answer for your potential customers why they should buy your product or services. Vehicle manufacturers do this excellently when they show their products enabling the lives people want to live. Why would you buy this car? Because it will get you where you already know you want to go, to your next ski trip, business deal, or family wedding. The product must make sense in the story you tell.

Storytelling Simplifies the Complex

By telling stories, you can help to make complex ideas or products more accessible and relatable. Presenting information in a narrative format can help your audience understand and remember key points more easily. This can be especially useful if your business sells technical or complex products or services. By telling stories illustrating how your products or services have helped real people in real situations, you can help your audience see the value in what you offer.

Storytelling Differentiates Your Brand

Creating a compelling story that succinctly describes your business can help to differentiate your brand from your competitors. It can take a lot of work in a crowded marketplace to stand out and capture your audience's attention. By telling unique, memorable, and emotionally resonant stories, you can create a point of difference that sets your brand apart. Whether you are sharing stories about your brand's history, your team's values, or your customers' experiences, the key is to find a way to connect with your audience on a deeper level.

Start Your BrandsFormation

For small, local businesses, there is no more effective way to establish your company as a growing and recognizable local brand than to follow the BrandsFormation system. BrandsFormation has helped dozens of businesses in the Joplin area find their unique and compelling stories and tell them impactfully, staking their claim to growing market share in their industries.

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Topics: BrandsFormation, Branding

Case Study: Dogwood Hills French Bulldogs Website

Posted by Jeannette Royle on April 11, 2023 at 7:00 AM
Every once in a while, it's good to cover a topic that's more tangible than it is conceptual. So, this week, we'll be doing a case study on one of our favorite websites we created in the last year: for Dogwood Hills French Bulldogs.

Dogwood Hills French Bulldogs Scenario

When we began working with Dogood Hills, they were already running a fantastic, fine-pedigree French Bulldog breeding program. What was the catch? Although they had great referrals and excellent dogs, their online presence was limited to a Facebook page. With no website, their business opportunities, visibility, and e-commerce capabilities needed to be improved.  

Unique Web Design and Brand Development

The Zimmer Marketing web design team started by creating an entire Dogwood Hills branding package, with logo creation, brand colors, and open-source web fonts. Afterward, we used these elements to craft a web design that emphasized the beauty of Dogwood Hill's bulldogs and the elegant motif of blooming dogwood trees.  

Transparency & Credibility

Reputation building is essential to the success of any business, and doubly so for those that care for animals. Our website design and content creation emphasized the outstanding standards of care that Dogwood Hills maintains in three areas of the website:

Veterinary Endorsement
Dogwood Hills has a fantastic relationship with Monett Veterinary Hospital, which enthusiastically wrote an endorsement for the website. The veterinary page also features comprehensive information regarding the healthcare the Frenchies at Dogwood Hills receive.

Breeding Program Information
The about page offers detailed information on the Dogwood Hills French Bulldogs breeding program, complete with an explanation of the American Kennel Club registration process that Dogwood Hills utilizes.

Frenchie Owner Testimonials
The new website by Zimmer Marketing features over a dozen long-form testimonials by verified owners of French Bulldogs from Dogwood Hills. 

Puppy Listing System

Each puppy born at Dogwood Hills can quickly be listed on the website with all relevant information, including:
  • AKC Registration
  • Height 
  • Weight
  • Price
  • Parents
Additionally, each puppy has an attached gallery of pictures and a video!

Stud Dog Listing System

Every Dogwood Hills prized Frenchie stud has its own featured page. Every puppy it has sired is automatically listed beneath it.

Online Payments

Finally, every modern business website needs e-commerce capabilities.  has online payment portals for credit, debit, and PayPal.

Project Completion

We increased Dogwood Hills French Bulldogs' online visibility through unique web design and search-engine-optimized content creation. Additionally, our innovative dog listing solution greatly increases the ease of posting puppies for sale and maintaining accurate breeding records.

Build Your Pet Breeding Business Online

When you're ready to take your pet breeder business online, we're here to help!

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Topics: Website Design, Case Studies, E-commerce, Online Sales

How Radio and Digital Marketing Work Together

Posted by Jeannette Royle on March 7, 2023 at 7:00 AM
Radio has long been a staple of successful marketing campaigns, but there are an ever-growing number of ways to reach audiences with your messaging through digital marketing. That raises the question,   How should I allocate my marketing budget between radio and new digital channels? The short answer is that traditional marketing media, such as radio, works well with digital as part of a multi-channel marketing campaign. So, it's almost always best to use a blend. Below, we'll explain how best to balance radio and digital marketing.

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Topics: Radio Advertising, Marketing Strategy, Marketing ROI, Digital Marketing, Advertising