Four States Small Business Blog

Why Trust is Important When Choosing a Media Partner

Posted by Pam Larimore on July 31, 2019 at 8:00 AM

choosing a media partner Like most marketers, you likely invest a lot of time and money into running effective advertising campaigns. And if you hire a media partner to manage and execute those campaigns, it’s important to choose one that will protect your advertising investment. 

That’s why trust matters when choosing the right media partner. It helps to ensure the vendor will keep your company’s best interests in mind, while taking the necessary steps to help you achieve your goals, maximize advertising spend and boost results.

7 Signs You Can Trust a Media Partner

When it comes to advertising your business, you will experience the most success using trustworthy media partners. They will take the necessary, most impactful efforts to ensure you’re reaching your goals, maximizing spend and boosting results. Below are a few signs you are choosing a media partner that you can trust and rely on to achieve marketing success.

1. Transparency

Your media partner should be transparent about what kind of results you can realistically expect, how they gauge progress, and how to better optimize your campaign. This information helps you make informed choices about what is best for your brand.

2. Proper budget allocation

A trustworthy media partner will be focused on dedicating your marketing funds to efforts that drive a great return on investment (ROI). In this way, they’re more motivated to provide the highest quality of service rather than simply getting paid to provide the service.

3. Results

Any prospective media partner will promise you great results by using their services. However, trustworthy partners offer data to back up those claims. Make sure they have had success partnering with similar companies in your industry to determine whether you can trust their word.

4. Visibility

Speaking of results, ensure your media partner has the ability to measure results and can provide access to their measurement tools and reports. At Zimmer, for example, we use sophisticated methods to track key performance indicators that should align with real work results like increased traffic to your website, visits or calls from potential customers, requests for information, or sales. 

5. Good reputation

A company’s reputation can be a good indicator of trust. While weighing your options, take the time to read case studies, search for online reviews, and check references. The right media partner will have a solid reputation and good record of success with past and current clients.

6. Open communication

Communication is key when working with a media partner. They should be willing to speak openly about your goals, expectations, specific promotions and even sales. This can help to eliminate any confusion that may occur due to poor communication.

7. Collaborative partnership

As your partner, they should encourage ongoing collaboration with your team. A collaborative relationship plays to everyone’s strengths and results in your best marketing campaigns. It also helps you to gain a better understanding of your partner, as well as their values and motivations.

Your media partner helps your brand better reach your audience. Since you entrust your business to them, choosing a partner you trust makes the difference between an effective campaign and a less successful one. Learn more about Zimmer and how we can help you achieve your best advertising ROI.


Topics: Digital Marketing