The desire for instant gratification is often part and parcel of human nature, whether you’re looking at the world as a customer or as a business owner or marketer. As the path to purchase fragments, and micro moments and personalization become more important, immediate gratification becomes easier for the customer. However, as tempting as it is to look at marketing ROI in the same way, business owners need to remember that advertising is an investment, and advertising success and brand development take time to achieve.
How Long Will It Take to See Results from Your Advertising? And Other Important Marketing ROI Questions Answered
Topics: Radio Advertising, Marketing ROI
Understanding the Differences Between Ear and Eye Advertising
In 1983, Advertising Age magazine published an article in which the authors cited evidence that consumers prefer ear-oriented messaging as compared with eye-oriented messaging. Speech is the primary form of communication for human beings, and for advertisers, this fact holds significant implications. It means that advertising for the ear is more effective than print advertising that’s designed to be received by the eye.
Topics: Radio Advertising, Advertising Creative
You Get What You Pay For: Why the Cheapest Isn't Always the Best Option When it Comes to Advertising
In business, every dollar spent counts against the bottom line. While owners and managers alike look for ways to pinch every penny they can, they tend to avoid skimping on important investments that offer growth opportunities. Unfortunately, many businesses don't look at advertising and marketing as an investment and don’t realize how important reaching customers with advertising is to increase sales and company growth. Price shopping advertising opportunities only to take advantage of your cheapest option can hurt your bottom line. In today's blog post, we'll discuss four major reasons for why cheaper isn't better, and why you should be hiring trained professionals that are willing to not only invest in themselves, but also in their product.
Topics: Radio Advertising, Joplin Market
How to Use Radio to Effectively Boost Your Social Media Marketing ROI
In the modern digital age, consumers are diversifying the number of channels they use to communicate, do research, and shop. Operating in this fast-paced, multi-screen world, brands can find improved results when they combine traditional marketing channels with online channels. Most notably, a 2015 survey of 21 brands over 18 months found that brands combining radio and online outreach produced a 23% increase in sales and inquiries when using a mix and match channel approach for marketing campaigns, while individually, the channels only produced a 17% or 14% increase, respectively.
Topics: Integrated Marketing, Radio Advertising, Marketing ROI