A key factor of running a successful business is to have a plan, and while the marketing strategy is a huge part of that plan, budgeting for advertising efforts can often be overlooked. Typically, a significant portion of the marketing budget is allocated to advertising, which is why it’s important to monitor what is being spent, analyze the efforts, and make adjustments when needed. A strategic advertising budget is crucial to increasing revenue for your business. Without a plan, a business might overspend on opportunities that don’t create a positive ROI, resulting in a loss, or they might miss out on opportunities to save money by waiting too late and missing deadlines offering advertising opportunity bundles and extras.
The 3-Step Process to Developing an Annual Advertising Budget
How to Use Radio to Effectively Boost Your Social Media Marketing ROI
In the modern digital age, consumers are diversifying the number of channels they use to communicate, do research, and shop. Operating in this fast-paced, multi-screen world, brands can find improved results when they combine traditional marketing channels with online channels. Most notably, a 2015 survey of 21 brands over 18 months found that brands combining radio and online outreach produced a 23% increase in sales and inquiries when using a mix and match channel approach for marketing campaigns, while individually, the channels only produced a 17% or 14% increase, respectively.
Topics: Integrated Marketing, Radio Advertising, Marketing ROI
Why Consistency in Your Marketing is Important, and How to Ensure It
Certain elements are critical to every successful marketing strategy, no matter how large or small your business is. Some are obviously more important than others, like having a unique selling proposition, but others might not seem critical at first glance. Consistency is one of them, especially if you're engaging in marketing across different media, like radio, TV, print, digital, and more. In today's blog post, we'll take a snapshot look at the importance of brand consistency in your marketing and how you can ensure you’re doing it right.
Topics: Marketing Strategy, Advertising Creative