Four States Small Business Blog

36 Facts that Prove Radio Can Help Your Business Reach Customers and Drive Sales

Posted by Mark Zimmer on February 21, 2018 at 8:00 AM

Radio is a rare media channel that reaches nearly all Americans at some point in the day, each and every week. Reaching 91% of Americans over the age of 12, radio provides mass reach, maximizes frequency, and in combination with the right psychographic and demographic data, offers effective targeting. But that alone shouldn’t convince you that radio is a good fit for your marketing strategy.

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Topics: Radio Advertising

6 Reasons Your Digital Marketing Might Not Be Working

Posted by Mark Zimmer on February 20, 2018 at 8:00 AM

In a recent post, we shared questions to ask to determine if your digital marketing is working or not. If you’ve had trouble answering those questions or you’re dissatisfied with the answers you came up with, there are a number of potential factors that could be at play.

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Topics: Integrated Marketing, Digital Marketing

Is Your Digital Marketing Really Working? 9 Questions to Find Out

Posted by Chad Elliot on February 19, 2018 at 8:00 AM

Digital marketing is a powerful tool for businesses of all sizes, and you’ve already taken the leap and made investments to run digital campaigns for your brand. The question is, is it working? Do you actually know how to recognize if it is or isn’t working? You need to be measuring your progress, and if you’re not, you might be wasting your money or failing to reach your true potential.

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Topics: Integrated Marketing, Marketing ROI, Digital Marketing

First Comes CNA, Then Comes ROI

Posted by Pam Larimore on February 9, 2018 at 12:15 PM

A CNA (customer needs analysis) is a critical first step to building a good relationship with a media partner, but it’s even more critical to seeing positive ROI across your marketing campaigns. We took a good look at what a CNA is and what it entails in a previous post.

Essentially, a CNA is a business profile that helps media partners understand where your company has been, where your business is now, and where you want to see your brand go in the future. It involves asking questions you should often already have the answers to, and highlight areas where you need help developing better answers. You should expect it to be the first step a new media partner takes because without it, you can’t create a meaningful marketing strategy or achieve the best possible ROI for your efforts.

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Topics: Marketing ROI

Facebook's News Feed Has Changed (What it Means for Marketers)

Posted by Mark Zimmer on February 1, 2018 at 8:00 AM

You may have heard that Facebook is making changes to its news feed algorithm. Facebook’s founder and CEO, Mark Zuckerberg, says the changes are designed to give priority to content with “meaningful interaction” and reduce what he calls “passive content” such as videos, where users tend to sit back and watch, then move on, as opposed to interacting with the content. According to Zuckerberg, these changes in the Facebook news feed come in response to user feedback that indicated branded content was overcrowding posts from friends and family, reducing users’ ability to connect with others.

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Topics: Social Media, Digital Marketing

Why Your Store Flow, Parking, and Hours Matter

Posted by Mark Zimmer on January 30, 2018 at 8:00 AM

Are you familiar with the adage, you only get one chance to make a great first impression? Customer perspective — that is, the impression customers have of your business — plays a big role in the success of that business. You see, it isn’t enough to have great promises in your Joplin marketing campaigns; that only gets them to the door. And that’s where you only get one shot at convincing customers that your business is worth their time and money.

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Topics: Marketing Strategy

How Do Your Customers See Things?

Posted by Chuck Mefford on January 23, 2018 at 9:05 AM

 marketing in joplin moWhen you develop a plan for marketing in Joplin, MO, or anywhere else in the world for that matter, you’re probably ready to do a few things. You’ll define a budget, choose the right channels to advertise on, select a schedule, and lay out what you want the creative to be. You’re just forgetting one thing — how the customer sees things. That’s not necessarily the same thing as identifying your target audience, which you need to do before you select where you’re going to advertise or how to build your message.

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Topics: Marketing Strategy, BrandsFormation

Are You Training Your Customers to Wait to Buy Your Product Cheaper?

Posted by Chad Elliot on January 18, 2018 at 8:00 AM

Let’s do a thought exercise: A consumer wants to obtain a particular product, and they do the research to determine which brand they’d like to buy and which store to buy it from. They find it’s available from their favorite store, but while they want it right now, they know the store consistently runs regular discounts. Instead of buying it now, they wait until the next discount kicks in so they can buy it for a cheaper price. In this exercise, most of the advertising for the product brand and store worked. The consumer is successfully converted, the product solves their pain points and desires, and a sale is made. So what’s the problem?

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Topics: Marketing Strategy

4 Reasons Why Radio Matters

Posted by Mark Zimmer on January 16, 2018 at 8:00 AM

At a time when consumers are digitally-connected around the clock, radio continues to be a reliable source for many things and stands out above the digital noise. Whether it’s hearing familiar songs, jamming out to today’s latest hits, getting critical information during a disaster, the latest news, or learning about important events in the community, consumers trust their favorite radio stations and personalities to get them the information they need when they need it. Also, radio proves to be an important channel for businesses to communicate their message to their target customer.

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Topics: Radio Advertising

Part 3 of 3: Key Ingredients for Small Business Success

Posted by Mark Zimmer on January 11, 2018 at 8:00 AM

And now we’ve come to the third and final installment of our series about achieving small business success by generating powerful results with their marketing. As we’ve mentioned, there’s a three-part formula necessary for producing that success, whether it’s for a nationwide advertisement or local Joplin marketing campaign: branding, a business website, and a 21-52 marketing plan. In Part 1, we took a look at branding for small businesses, and in Part 2, we discussed why you need a strong business website.

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Topics: Small Business Resources, Marketing Strategy, Marketing ROI