Employee Spotlight: Get to know Kaylee Cole
Topics: Team Zimmer
How to Differentiate Your Brand with Storytelling
Thought leadership is a type of content marketing where you draw on your company's experience, passion, and talent to answer your target audience’s most critical questions. Simply put, thought leadership means you provide the best answers to your consumer's biggest questions.
Topics: Branding
Why You Shouldn't Tell Stories About Your Product
Even though many people confuse a brand story with a product story, they are, in fact, very different. In truth, a brand story is something much bigger. It is a cohesive narrative that encompasses the vibration set in motion by your brand. Unlike a product story, which is basically your company talking about your offerings, your brand story inspires so much more while enticing an emotional reaction from your consumers.
Topics: Branding
The Best Recruitment and Selection Strategies
Today's job market is more competitive than ever due to the abundance of people seeking employment in a relatively slim job market. Since many workers are seeking new employment opportunities, now is the ideal time to revisit your company's recruitment and selection strategies. Top candidates often stay available for just 10 days before they get hired, and you want your business to be at the top of their list of places to work. Eighty percent of HR representatives note that branding can have a huge impact on a company’s ability to attract the right candidates. By including a few best hiring practices in your recruitment strategy, you can increase your ability to attract top talent to your open positions.
Topics: Recruitment
Employee Spotlight: Get to know Michael Johnson
Topics: Team Zimmer
Employee Spotlight: Get to know Danielle McCollum
Topics: Team Zimmer
Why You Should Be Investing in OTT and Not TV Advertising
OTT, or "over-the-top television," services allow viewers to stream content directly to their devices. The first streaming devices went "over-the-top" of traditional cable devices, earning the nickname OTT in the process. This service allows viewers to be pickier about what they watch, when they watch it, and how they want to view their content. Platforms like Netflix, Amazon Prime, Hulu, Apple TV+, HBO Max, Disney+ and Peacock have become increasingly popular. Twenty-eight percent of Americans are OTT-only viewers, and the average American household subscribes to at least three streaming platforms.
Topics: Digital Marketing
What Are The Best Sources of Recruitment during COVID?
In order to maintain your competitive advantage, your business needs high-quality team members with the skills necessary to help boost your position and improve your standing. As a result, you need to put your recruitment efforts into the avenues that are going to bring you the best results for your business. You don't just want employees for the sake of filling open roles; instead, you want to recruit top talent who can advance your business, create opportunities for innovation, and help you continue to build your position in the industry. Just what are the best avenues for recruitment? Consider some of these options.
Topics: Recruitment
Across the United States, only around 65% of households subscribed to cable or satellite in 2018--a number that has continued to decline in recent years. As many as 74% of households subscribe to at least one streaming service, and the average household subscribes to three or more. Many cable TV subscribers spend more time streaming content than they do actually watching cable. OTT is taking over a space that was traditionally filled by primary television advertising--and it's becoming increasingly important for advertisers to consider the importance of this medium.
Topics: Digital Marketing
Digital advertising includes a variety of different methods and techniques, including display advertising, video advertising, and social media. Targeting techniques may include geotargeting, keyword targeting, or retargeting. In short, there's a lot to learn about digital advertising. Business owners, however, should not be daunted by the wide range of opportunities available, but rather appreciative of the benefits. Effective digital advertising can help many businesses reach a wider audience and experience a higher overall return on their investments. Consider these tips to expand your digital advertising capability.