We could share countless stats around the power of radio — 93% of American adults reached weekly, $17 payback per $1 spent on radio by department stores, two-thirds of time spent listening happens outside the home… But we know stories are more powerful than numbers, and we love shining a light on the success of local businesses.
Radio Delivers Real Results for Four State Area Businesses
Good fishermen don’t just choose any random spot to cast their line. Instead, they go where fish are known to swim and understand how the fish behave so they can choose the perfect spot to cast their line. The catch isn’t guaranteed, but they’ve optimized their chances.
Topics: Legal
It’s undeniable that we live in an omnichannel world where shoppers no longer distinguish between the physical and digital realms. Consumers expect to encounter brands across channels, and they’re bombarded left and right with marketing. That makes it awfully tempting for brands — especially relatively new brands and small businesses — to try to be all things to all current and potential customers across all channels.
Topics: BrandsFormation
What Makes Patients Switch Dentists? How to Reach and Resonate with New Clients
Sometimes when patients leave a dental practice, it’s for unavoidable reasons — like a move or change in insurance. Other times, it’s related to a negative experience. What are the top reasons patients make the switch? And, more importantly, how can you use that knowledge to keep current patients satisfied and adjust your marketing to reflect a practice new patients will want to join?
Topics: Health/Medical
Morning KIX with Randy & Kaylee Takes Home 2018 MBA Award
Since 2012, Randy Brooks and Kaylee Cole have been waking up KIX listeners with lively interviews, contests, phone calls, crazy songs, and other shenanigans. Zimmer is proud to announce that the entertaining duo beat out hundreds of other personalities in the state of Missouri to take home a 2018 MBA Award for best medium market radio air talent.
Topics: Team Zimmer
AM/FM Radio Continues to Top the Charts (4 Quotes from Rush and Nielsen)
Rush Limbaugh recently made a point to remind everyone of the true impact and power of radio, quoting a Washington Times article from this past April that highlighted new findings from Nielsen. In a half-hour audio clip you can find below, the pioneer of AM radio shared why he prefers radio to TV, compelling stats from Nielsen’s second-quarter 2017 Comparable Metrics Report, and a healthy dose of Rush political talk on listenership and stories from around the nation.
Topics: Radio Advertising
So, you’ve already discovered the benefits of working with a professional radio partner. Fantastic decision! It relieves a burden on your time and resources. Unfortunately, if your radio partner doesn’t also bring digital solutions to the table, you may be inadvertently undermining your results, holding your brand back from achieving the best possible ROI.
Topics: Marketing Strategy, Digital Marketing
Trust, Transparency, and Other Key Traits to Demonstrate in Dealership Marketing
Any good auto dealer can tell you that closing a sale means providing for a lot more than just a vehicle and service package. People don’t come in looking for a new (or new to them) car. They’re looking to meet social and emotional needs: long-term reliability, safety for both themselves and those they care about, an expression of what they’ve achieved… A parent may ask about safety ratings, but what they don’t say is that they’re worried about the kid headed off to college. (Their child, on the other hand, will probably openly tell you they want to feel cool driving it.) They may ask about mileage and repairs, but they won’t mention that they have to have a car in order to get a job
Topics: Marketing Strategy, Auto
Get to Know Zimmer Radio: Spotlight on Wraine Meadows
Welcome to the fourth edition of our Zimmer Radio Inc. team spotlights! Our team of radio and digital marketing experts work with businesses in Joplin and the surrounding Four States Area to develop effective, integrated marketing campaigns. But we’re not just passionate professionals—we’re people with unique stories to tell.
Topics: Team Zimmer
Radio: The Only Truly Portable Marketing on the Planet
Radio remains one of the best formats for targeted mass reach. According to Nielsen, radio reaches 93% of U.S. adults each week, more than any other platform. And it does so throughout the day, across every demographic.
Topics: Radio Advertising