Across the United States, only around 65% of households subscribed to cable or satellite in 2018--a number that has continued to decline in recent years. As many as 74% of households subscribe to at least one streaming service, and the average household subscribes to three or more. Many cable TV subscribers spend more time streaming content than they do actually watching cable. OTT is taking over a space that was traditionally filled by primary television advertising--and it's becoming increasingly important for advertisers to consider the importance of this medium.
Will digital marketing take over traditional marketing?
It's no secret that digital marketing continues to gain market share, especially as new, data-driven methods of bringing traffic to your website are developed all the time.
Topics: Radio Advertising, Digital Marketing
This view holds that traditional marketing is noted for its focus on product, price, place, and promotion -- the 4Ps. These 4Ps were designed to guide marketers as they developed strategies for growth. Some marketers are suggesting that the 4Ps be expanded to include other factors such as process and people to make the traditional 4Ps fit into a digital marketing strategy.
Topics: Integrated Marketing, Digital Marketing, Advertising
Is digital marketing better than traditional marketing?
If you are researching the best advertising method for your company, you may have seen arguments that promote digital marketing. Many articles claim that digital marketing is a better way to advertise because it is cheaper than traditional marketing and provides more measurables.
Topics: Radio Advertising, Marketing Strategy, Digital Marketing
17 Actionable Digital Marketing Stats You Need To Know In 2020
If it seems your marketing job description is changing faster than trending videos on YouTube, you're right. Every change in consumer behavior (think, for example, of the 900% increase in "near me" searches in Google over the past two years) means you need to adjust your strategy.
Topics: Digital Marketing
Topics: Integrated Marketing, Social Media, Digital Marketing
Is advertising for small businesses on Facebook really worth it anymore?
Most businesses do not believe they get a good ROI from using Facebook lead ads. 62% of businesses using paid ads on Facebook report it didn’t work to their satisfaction.
Topics: Digital Marketing
Your website defines your brand as much, if not more, than your marketing or sales operations. Any business with an undesirable website risks losing all standing among consumers.
Topics: Digital Marketing
Can digital advertising ever replace traditional advertising?
This year, for the first time, more money will be spent on digital advertising than traditional ads. As digital ad spends grow, marketers are questioning whether they should stop their traditional advertising and move their budgets to digital.
Topics: Digital Marketing
Considering that over half of the global population, and about 90 percent of people in North America, have access to the internet, it is clear why digital advertising has become such an important factor in modern marketing. This form of advertising is also highly effective, as brands make an average of $2 in revenue for every $1 they spend in Google Ads.
Topics: Digital Marketing