Like most marketers, you likely invest a lot of time and money into running effective advertising campaigns. And if you hire a media partner to manage and execute those campaigns, it’s important to choose one that will protect your advertising investment.
Why Trust is Important When Choosing a Media Partner
Topics: Digital Marketing
Before you start building a winning digital branding strategy, let’s start with the basics – what is a digital branding strategy, and why is it important?
Topics: Marketing Strategy, Digital Marketing
5 Reasons Why You Should Consider Geo-Targeted Ads
For companies to reach people who are more likely to purchase their products or services, they need to develop advertising that is locally relevant and more personalized. Enter geo-targeting.
Topics: Digital Marketing
With the number of digital marketing techniques currently available to businesses, it can be tempting to spread your budget thin by launching campaigns through every channel. However, true success comes when marketers take a strategic approach to allocating their budget to ensure funds are spent properly.
Topics: Digital Marketing
Why You Need Digital and Traditional Advertising For the Best Results
We live in a digital age, and as a result, many marketers are turning to digital advertising to reach customers where they are. However, while digital advertising is a critical piece of any marketing strategy, traditional advertising channels are still very effective at getting the word out about your business. Falling into an “either/or” way of thinking can be harmful, because you can miss valuable opportunities to reach and engage your target audience.
Topics: Integrated Marketing, Radio Advertising, Digital Marketing
The Best Digital Advertising Agencies Have These 7 Things in Common
Choosing the right digital advertising agency to manage and execute your company’s digital ad strategy is not a simple task. You must carefully consider each option to find a partner that can help you achieve your marketing goals. Hire an effective, skilled agency, and your marketing efforts will be successful, driving new customers to your company. Select an ineffective agency, and you will likely waste time, money, and effort on your digital marketing goals.
Topics: Marketing Strategy, Digital Marketing
In today’s buying landscape, there is always something new and exciting to catch a customer’s attention. Therefore, for long-term success, marketers must leverage new, innovative tactics to reach and connect with their audience. That’s where geotargeting comes in.
Topics: Digital Marketing
Pros and Cons of Working with a Digital Advertising Agency
When it comes to digital advertising for your business, you have two main options: You can manage it in-house or hire an outside agency. In many cases, it can be hard to determine which option is the right one for your business. To help you make an informed decision, we’ve put together the pros and cons of working with an external digital advertising agency. With this information, you will have a better idea of what to expect when working with such a firm and you can decide if this is the right solution for your business.
Topics: Marketing Strategy, Digital Marketing
Digital advertising agencies come in various shapes and sizes, possessing particular areas of expertise or specializations. Finding the right fit for your company and its specific advertising needs is integral to maximizing your marketing dollars and positively shaping your brand, now and into the future.
Topics: Marketing Strategy, Digital Marketing
5 Ways Mixing Radio and Digital Advertising Will Boost Results
Considering that 93 percent of Americans over the age of 18 listen to the radio each week and that 90 percent of Americans use the internet, the potential power of radio and digital advertising becomes clear. Although each strategy can independently help you reach your marketing goals, bringing them together allows you to accelerate your success and boost your ROI. If you want to reach new heights in your marketing, see what you can accomplish when you bring these two powerful advertising platforms together.
Topics: Radio Advertising, Digital Marketing