Four States Small Business Blog

Is Branding Frivolous for Farms? (Definitely Not!)

Posted by Mark Zimmer on October 11, 2018 at 8:00 AM

There’s a good chance you already have a brand strategy for your farm. You know the types of products and services that you offer, how you differentiate yourself from competitors, and why your farm is uniquely suited to a specific type of consumer. Guess what? You're essentially "branding" your farm! Branding is simply telling a compelling story about your business in a way that interests your core audience.

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Topics: Agriculture

Everything You Need to Know For BrandsFormation Fall 2018

Posted by Chad Elliot on October 2, 2018 at 8:00 AM

There's an exciting event headed your way this fall - BrandsFormation 2018! After a successful event in March, we’re bringing the free educational workshop back to help even more Four State business owners develop their brand and improve their bottom lines. Scheduled for Wednesday, November 7 at 8:00 am., BrandsFormation 2018 is designed to help you transform your business from good to great.

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Topics: BrandsFormation

You Can Advertise Effectively WITHOUT Discounting

Posted by Chad Elliot on September 27, 2018 at 8:00 AM

If you’re used to relying on discounts to drum up business and customer interest, we’ve got good news — you don’t have to use discounts! While discounts can be useful, there are different tactics that you can build into your strategy that are effective at building sales and loyalty. Even better, these methods don’t force you to cut profit margins in order to make the sale.

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Topics: Marketing Strategy

4 Things You Should Do Before You Advertise

Posted by Pam Larimore on September 25, 2018 at 8:00 AM

When it comes down to it, advertising is simply the most effective way to communicate to today’s customers. Thoughtful, high-quality advertising offers customers insights into various brands  and the variety of products available to them. Giving customers the information they need allows them to make the best decisions for themselves, in terms of finding the best quality products and services at prices they can afford.

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Topics: Marketing Strategy

3 Reasons Consistency Is Critical for Your Home Improvement Marketing

Posted by Mark Zimmer on September 20, 2018 at 8:00 AM

There’s a good chance that your potential clients have been inspired by Fixer Upper, The Property Brothers, or similar home remodeling shows. They encourage homeowners to step up their “home-improvement game” by taking on small and large renovation projects, and giving them the inspiration they need to tackle their own. But with so many options for home improvement businesses in the Four States Area, how will they choose which is the best partner for their project?

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Topics: Home Improvement

A Family Affair: Who You Need to Reach with Your Living Facility Marketing

Posted by Mark Zimmer on September 13, 2018 at 8:00 AM

Each new season of life features its own unique milestones and events. Perhaps the most important ones involve the various decisions everyone must make as they get older.

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Topics: Health/Medical

6 Tips for Great Radio Creative

Posted by Kylie Davis on September 12, 2018 at 8:00 AM

Do you feel like your radio campaigns are lacking that special something? Or that they could be achieving a little more? If other elements of your campaign are in line, then you may need to consider a new creative spin.

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Topics: Radio Advertising

The Value of Jingles

Posted by Mark Zimmer on September 11, 2018 at 8:00 AM

While the popularity of jingles might have peaked in the 1950s, the radio jingle is still an invaluable marketing tool. Advertisers have not given up on this clever tool by a long shot. Brands like McDonald’s and Nationwide still work to generate the goodwill and nostalgia that jingles, at their very best, have done so well for nearly a century.

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Topics: Radio Advertising, Marketing Strategy

Why Keyword Targeting Outshines PPC

Posted by Kylie Davis on August 30, 2018 at 8:00 AM

Advertising has certainly come a long way over the years and nowhere is that more evident than in digital marketing. Advertising tools continue to become more complex and intuitive, allowing your advertisements to be both more effective and less expensive at the same time. One of the big recent shifts is in the migration of many marketers away from paid advertising and towards display advertising. Many marketers are finding that keyword-based display advertising is helping improve their overall ROI and keep costs under control.

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Topics: Digital Marketing

Bring Visitors Back: Understanding Your Retargeting Options

Posted by Mark Zimmer on August 21, 2018 at 8:00 AM

How amazing would it be if your advertisements traveled throughout the internet, seeking out people who recently visited your website? Letting them know that the special product or service that they recently reviewed was now on sale, or was running low on inventory? This may seem like a far-future functionality that sounds cool but isn't available. For marketers -- it's just called retargeting or remarketing, and we do it every day. This relatively new feature allows you to wrangle those individuals who didn't quite make it to the finish line on their purchase back into the fold, and back into a measurable customer journey. Retargeting is perhaps the best way to help prospects walk through the entirely convoluted sales process, as each lead may interact with your business in a slightly different way. Retargeting allows you to reach out with the most relevant message to a prospect who is already engaged, making your advertising dollars work harder and smarter! See how you can use retargeting to boomerang new customers straight back to your website.

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Topics: Digital Marketing