Four States Small Business Blog

Zimmer Marketing Can Grow Your Roofing Business

Posted by Mark Zimmer on July 20, 2021 at 7:00 AM

Are you ready to find new clients and expand your local roofing business? Increasingly, homeowners are turning to online sources of information to find roofers and other home services. Is your roofing company competitive in the online space? Zimmer Marketing can help with the web development team. We can build, host, and manage your website and other online properties.

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Topics: Small Business Resources, Joplin Market, Website Design, Digital Marketing

Zimmer Marketing Services for HVAC Companies

Posted by Brett James on July 7, 2021 at 9:21 AM
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Topics: Small Business Resources, Digital Marketing

Political Advertising in Joplin, MO

Posted by Mark Zimmer on May 4, 2021 at 7:00 AM

Why Zimmer Marketing?

Getting your campaign’s message out can be difficult in this noisy and busy world. That’s why Zimmer Marketing is such a great choice to partner with your political campaign. We not only own six radio stations in the four-states, but we are a full-fledged marketing company. Radio on its own reaches 90% of voters and costs a fraction of TV advertising. But more than that, Zimmer Marketing integrates radio and digital media, in order to reinforce your consistent messaging to the voters. So, whether your campaign needs 30-second radio spots, or a full campaign website, Zimmer Marketing reaches voters with your message.  
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Topics: Radio Advertising, Digital Marketing, Advertising

What is OTT and Why Does it Matter For Your Business?

Posted by Chad Elliot on March 9, 2021 at 7:45 AM

You want your business to earn the attention of future customers. So, it is essential in any ad campaign to place your ads where they’ll be seen by those who will be interested in your message. In this age of seemingly limitless sources of entertainment - TV, Social Media, Radio, Netflix etc., it is easier to target potential customers based on their individual characteristics. An important part of your marketing strategy should be OTT marketing (over-the-top marketing).

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Topics: Marketing Strategy, Marketing ROI, Digital Marketing, Advertising

3 Benefits of Addressable GeoFencing with Direct Mail

Posted by Pam Larimore on December 21, 2020 at 8:00 AM

When it comes to making your advertising dollars go further, Zimmer Marketing has you covered! Read on to learn more about 3 key benefits of Addressable GeoFencing with Direct Mail for your business.

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Topics: Digital Marketing

Why You Claim Your Business on Maps and Search Engines

Posted by Jeannette Royle on December 17, 2020 at 8:00 AM

In this modern age of technology and the internet, your business needs to be absolutely prolific on online maps and search engines. Ideally, when people in your area search for services or products you sell online, your business should be visible to them. But this can only happen if you have an excellent SEO strategy. If you get your SEO strategy right, you will drive massive traffic to your site, leading to more business. In this piece, we have outlined several essential reasons why you should consider claiming your business on maps and search engines.

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Topics: Digital Marketing

Why Directories and Backlinks Are Essential for Great SEO

Posted by Jeannette Royle on October 29, 2020 at 8:00 AM

In today's digital economy, online marketing has become the main source of new customers in nearly every industry. Modern buyers prefer to make purchasing decisions online, and they discover new businesses through online search. Therefore, achieving prominent search engine visibility is the key to attracting customers in the current information environment.

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Topics: Digital Marketing

5 Reasons Why Your Business Must Have a Responsive Site

Posted by Chad Elliot on October 27, 2020 at 8:00 AM

Responsive website design is all about making sure your business website looks perfect on all electronic devices, including desktops, tablets, and smartphones. It's also about maximizing the speed of your website on all devices and making it incredibly easy to use for all users.

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Topics: Website Design, Digital Marketing

How To Optimize Your Website For Image Search Direct Marketing and SEO

Posted by Melanie Gaudette on October 19, 2020 at 8:00 AM

One of the most effective types of advertising is direct marketing. This is an excellent method to increase your return on investment. At Zimmer Marketing, we understand the importance of keywords for the improvement of your success rate. We know strategic advertising will enable your business to directly place your brand in front of your target audience to reach your potential customers directly.

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Topics: Digital Marketing

Balancing Digital with Traditional Marketing

Posted by Danielle McCollum on October 15, 2020 at 8:00 AM

In today's world, it seems everyone is glued to the latest technology for everything. Many businesses think because our heads are stuck in computers and smartphones, we would react to marketing in the digital form. This might not be true. If you don't have a nice balance between digital and radio marketing, you could be losing potential customers.

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Topics: Marketing Strategy, Digital Marketing