A radio ad can be a powerful way to build brand awareness for your business. Radio continues to command enormous numbers of listeners each week. Whether those listeners are fans, commuters, or guests in a restaurant, you want your message to reach them! But how do you build a radio ad that will take up mental real estate? Zimmer Marketing is here to help!
Zimmer Radio to Launch New Radio Station in Joplin
Here's Why You Should Attend BrandKamp on April 13
The next BrandKamp with branding wizard Chuck Mefford is just around the corner. Zimmer Marketing is hosting BrandKamp on April 13, 2021 at the Holiday Inn in Joplin. Registration begins at 8 a.m. and the workshop begins at 8:30 a.m. BrandKamp is your opportunity to learn the ins and outs of Mefford’s BrandsFormation system and supercharge your business.
Topics: BrandsFormation
4 Softwares That Will Improve Your Brand's Graphics
It’s essential for any business to be able to create excellent graphics and photos for its company branding. With a multitude of graphics and photo editors out there, it can be a wearying experience trying to figure out which software is right for your business. So let’s take a look at what’s out there and hopefully simplify things a bit.
Topics: Advertising Creative, Branding
Why Smart Speakers and the Future of Radio Are Linked
A new era in the history of radio is beginning with the widespread adoption of smart speakers by American consumers. Smart speakers are opening market opportunities for radio, already an extremely powerful medium in its own right, to gain increasing traction in its digital reach.
Topics: Radio Advertising
What is OTT and Why Does it Matter For Your Business?
You want your business to earn the attention of future customers. So, it is essential in any ad campaign to place your ads where they’ll be seen by those who will be interested in your message. In this age of seemingly limitless sources of entertainment - TV, Social Media, Radio, Netflix etc., it is easier to target potential customers based on their individual characteristics. An important part of your marketing strategy should be OTT marketing (over-the-top marketing).
Topics: Marketing Strategy, Marketing ROI, Digital Marketing, Advertising
Kix 102.5 to Host 5th Annual Radiothon with St. Jude
St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital, Kix 102.5, and Zimmer Marketing will host the fifth annual Partner in Hope radiothon on February 25-26, 2021. We at Zimmer are passionate about St. Jude’s mission to cure diseases afflicting those in the dawn of life. We invite you to join us in helping St. Jude continue their excellent work. Become a Partner in Hope, and with your $19 per month gift, the doctors and staff at St. Jude will continue their mission to treat as many sick children as possible.
Topics: Joplin Market, Team Zimmer
If you've been looking for the best SEO tools without success, your misery ends here! As you may know, SEO keeps evolving, and keeping updated with the latest developments can be challenging. But it's worth the sweat because a whopping 70-80% of organic search users only focus on the organic results, ignoring the sponsored listings.
Topics: Website Design
How to Check and Improve Your Website Speed Through Your Web Host
The speed that a website operates is a critically important part of any marketing strategy. It's a fact that how quickly your site opens for users has a big impact on things like buying decisions. In one study, over 70% of consumers said that the speed of a page had an important effect on whether or not they bought something. Here's some information about understanding what affects your speed and what you can do to improve it.
Topics: Website Design
Topics: Team Zimmer